Naše sportovní sponzoring v průběhu let
Níže naleznete výběr naší práce rozdělený podle let. Od sponzorství Williams F1 v roce 1995 do dneška se naše vášeň pro všechny věci sportovního marketingu nezměnila, stejně jako úspěch, kterého jsme si užili s našimi klienty a partnery. Chcete-li prozkoumat portfolio našich klientů, přejděte prosím do sekce „klienti“ na našem webu
Kontaktujte nás ještě dnesWe have been working with RTR Sports Marketing for over 10 years. The objectives and the programmes of collaboration continue to be renewed and to grow with mutual satisfaction. I believe RTR is a team of great professionals led by Riccardo Tafà, who I consider a manager of exceptional skills and with a great passion for his work.
Lucio Cecchinello
Team Principal
Rád bych zdůraznil, že jednou z předností společnosti RTR je její skvělá schopnost strategického přístupu ke scénáři sponzoringu, spolu s jejím nadšeným přístupem, úžasným nadšením pro řešení problémů a vysokou úrovní profesionality.
Gianluca Degliesposti
Výkonný ředitel Server&Storage EMEA
Passion and Expertise are the features that I have found in RTR since the very beginning. Serious and reliable professionals but also very helpful, nice and open-mind people, willing to listen and compare different ideas. All the values in which RTR believes make this agency a partner, not just a supplier, a partner with whom we have had the opportunity to achieve significant commercial results in term of success and image.
Luca Pacitto
Head of Communication
Eurosport is truly delighted with its business relationship with Riccardo Tafà, who has become extremely popular, thanks to his detailed knowledge of the sports marketing sector and his highly diligent attitude to work.
Francois Ribeiro
Commercial Director
we have been working with RTR for over ten years now, with results that have been satisfactory to say the least; we have always been very happy with the high level of professionalism, the original creativity and the support that the agency and its staff have constantly guaranteed us.
Livio Suppo
Team Principal
We have been working with RTR for some years and we have always valued their skill, professionalism and attention to detail. The extensive knowledge of MotoGP makes Riccardo Tafà and his team an ideal partner for companies wishing to enter into this world.
Lin Jarvis
Managing Director
I would like to highlight the fact that one of the qualities of RTR is its great ability to approach the sponsorship scenario strategically, together with its passionate attitude, its amazing enthusiasm for solving problems, and its high level of professionalism.
Gianluca Degliesposti
Executive Director Server&Storage EMEA