Informações sobre o projeto

Cliente: Barilla SpA – Marca 10eTrenta Tarefa : Festival de Jazz de Umbria 2003 Calendário: julho 2003

Sobre o projeto

Barilla introduziu no mercado o novo snack 10eTrenta, destinado a um público adulto, um snack ligeiro para consumir durante a pausa da manhã ou da tarde. No âmbito da comunicação ligada ao lançamento do produto, a RTR encarregou-se da parceria com o Umbria Jazz Festival, um dos eventos musicais mais importantes de Itália, que em 2003 celebrou o seu trigésimo aniversário. O Umbria Jazz Festival envolve todo o centro histórico de Perugia, com concertos em clubes, praças públicas, jardins e arenas. Durante o último festival, foram registadas mais de 250.000 entradas, que puderam assistir às exibições de 350 artistas ao longo dos mais de 200 concertos oferecidos durante os dez dias do evento. A amostragem foi a espinha dorsal do projeto da RTR, a fim de permitir que o maior número possível de pessoas experimentasse o novo produto. Desde o final da tarde até à noite, uma equipa de raparigas distribuiu amostras do produto nos dois stands da marca 10eTrenta situados em locais de grande movimento no centro da cidade, bem como perto da Arena Santa Giuliana, onde se realizaram os concertos mais concorridos. No total, foram oferecidos quase 200.000 snacks a um público perfeitamente adequado ao target do produto, que pôde desfrutar de uma 10eTrenta ao som do seu artista preferido. Uma série de totens de três faces colocados em vários pontos do centro da cidade também garantiram à nova marca uma visibilidade muito grande e criaram uma ligação imediata com o sampling. Este projeto permitiu à RTR consolidar ainda mais a sua experiência na área da música, demonstrando mais uma vez a sua flexibilidade em interpretar as necessidades da comunicação corporativa, identificando sempre a melhor solução.

Históricos de casos

Patrocínio esportivo, ativação, estudos de caso e planos de patrocínio esportivo pela RTR Sports Marketing, uma agência líder em marketing esportivo.

Ver todos os históricos de casos
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  • 2003
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I have known and worked with Riccardo Tafà since 1995 when we collaborated for the first time on a project for the Williams Formula 1 team. Several clients followed. After leaving Williams to work for Gerhard Berger then owner of the Toro Rosso F1 Team, I turned again to Riccardo to seek his help in finding a tool supplier for the team and Riccardo duly obliged with an introduction to USAG, a partnership with Toro Rosso which endured for five years. I recently started a new role as Group Commercial Director for the renowned Andretti Autosport organisation and I find myself working with Riccardo once again on a number of interesting projects. Why has this relationship with Riccardo endured ? He’s smart, knows the commercial side of sport inside out and back to front and he’s honest and trustworthy. Riccardo Tafà is a “doer” not a “talker”: in over 20 years I have never had a dispute either with him or with a company that he has introduced and each partnership introduced by Riccardo has delivered quantifiable ROI to rights holder and sponsor alike. I can think of no better testimonial of Riccardo’s diligence, knowledge, contact base and hard work than that.

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Jim Wright

Group Commercial Director

We have been working with RTR Sports Marketing for over 10 years. The objectives and the programmes of collaboration continue to be renewed and to grow with mutual satisfaction. I believe RTR is a team of great professionals led by Riccardo Tafà, who I consider a manager of exceptional skills and with a great passion for his work.

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Lucio Cecchinello

Team Principal

I would like to highlight the fact that one of the qualities of RTR is its great ability to approach the sponsorship scenario strategically, together with its passionate attitude, its amazing enthusiasm for solving problems, and its high level of professionalism.

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Gianluca Degliesposti

Executive Director Server&Storage EMEA

Eurosport is truly delighted with its business relationship with Riccardo Tafà, who has become extremely popular, thanks to his detailed knowledge of the sports marketing sector and his highly diligent attitude to work.

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Francois Ribeiro

Commercial Director

Passion and Expertise are the features that I have found in RTR since the very beginning. Serious and reliable professionals but also very helpful, nice and open-mind people, willing to listen and compare different ideas. All the values in which RTR believes make this agency a partner, not just a supplier, a partner with whom we have had the opportunity to achieve significant commercial results in term of success and image.

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Luca Pacitto

Head of Communication

we have been working with RTR for over ten years now, with results that have been satisfactory to say the least; we have always been very happy with the high level of professionalism, the original creativity and the support that the agency and its staff have constantly guaranteed us.

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Livio Suppo

Team Principal

We have been working with RTR for some years and we have always valued their skill, professionalism and attention to detail. The extensive knowledge of MotoGP makes Riccardo Tafà and his team an ideal partner for companies wishing to enter into this world.

Our Testimonials: here's what they say about RTR Sports, RTR Sports

Lin Jarvis

Managing Director

I would like to highlight the fact that one of the qualities of RTR is its great ability to approach the sponsorship scenario strategically, together with its passionate attitude, its amazing enthusiasm for solving problems, and its high level of professionalism.

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Gianluca Degliesposti

Executive Director Server&Storage EMEA

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