Project Info
Bartolini Corriere Espresso
Sport driving exclusive day
2006 – 2007
About Project
BARTOLINI is a fast, reliable courier specialising in the delivery of various types of consignment and in providing logistical support services to help in the transport and distribution of goods. It has over 130 distribution branches, linked together by a state-of-the-art computerised information system.
The company needed to consolidate the loyalty of its top clients and to strengthen its rapport with prospective ones. To achieve these aims, RTR devised an incentive operation linked to the world of sport. BARTOLINI’s customers were able to soak up the atmosphere of competition and the chance to participate on an emotional level which only sport can offer.
On the 19th of June at the Santa Monica Racetrack in Misano Adriatico a group of 16 Bartolini guests took part in an exciting, exclusive event: the Sport Driving Exclusive Day, a course of sports driving that puts students to the test in emergency situations and on low-grip road services, enabling them to gain new skills and greater poise at the wheel and to improve their capabilities in terms of perception and control.