In Marketing

It’s that time of the year again. And with the festive season coming, there’s a lot of christmas-tree-building, present-wrapping, late-minute-shopping, dinner-planning to do. Oh, Christmas, you are one rushy and chaotic holiday. However, as the lights dim out and the family sleeps merrily after a late-night Disney cartoon bonanza, it is not infrequent to start thinking about the year drawing to a close, and the upcoming one. Yes, it’s that time of the year again.


So, here’s to what has been in 2014, and to what will be in 2015.

It has been a tough, unforgiving year, this one. But also a really satisfying and deeply rewarding one. We relocated, then opened offices in London, signed new partners, met new colleagues and worked with new clients. There were planes to catch, bikes to race, papers to sign, hands to shake and hopes to build. And, just as we changed everything, we tried to remain the same. Did I expect any of this? Mostly, not.

But this shouldn’t come as a surprise. This world is spinning at astronomical speeds and the market, the business, the whole discipline of marketing is evolving in new and uncharted ways. It is fascinating, sure, and truly challenging, but you need to catch up, all day, every day. It’s a hell of a ride, and a strange feeling.

Sometimes we look back just to find out we are nowhere near where we thought we’d be. This does not mean it’s worse, just different. Different from what we thought, different from what they told us, different from what has been. Unfortunately, we are finding out the hard way that what screws us up most in life is the picture in our head of how it’s supposed to be.

“Different” is the new challenge. “Different” is the new landscape. We’ll have to cope, adapt to “different”. Everything is changing, evolving, constantly pushing the boundaries. Technology has played a more than significant role, and the speed of our communication tools has shrunk both time and space in an eternal hic et nunc. The possibilities are endless, and the old business models are starting to call it a day

Obviously, this is no breaking news, and the Internet wasn’t exactly born in 2014. But for me, nothing has ever changed so fast as in the last 12 months, both on the personal and on the business side. 2015 will provide no truce and, hopefully, we’ll have more projects and more planes to catch and more bikes to race. We are working on lots and lots of new things, as we wait for the MotoGP and Formula 1 season to start again, in less than 100 days.

As usual, we’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, let’s raise our glass to this 2014 and to a even better 2015.

Happy holidays, from all of us, to all of you.


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Emanuele Venturoli
Emanuele Venturoli
A graduate in Public, Social and Political Communication from the University of Bologna, he has always been passionate about marketing, design and sport.
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