
Project Info

Provincia di Bologna – Assessorato viabilità e mobilità

Road safety advertising campaign


About Project

The Province of Bologna’s Road and Transport Department has entered the field in the matter of road safety with a hard-hitting promotional campaign devised to highlight the high rate of traffic accidents on the province’s roads.

At the Province of Bologna’s request, RTR offered an initial campaign of impactful creativity featuring a mobile phone, a shoe, a pair of glasses and a teddy bear: everyday items which, abandoned on the site of the accidents, represent road accident victims in a forceful, realistic manner.

The headline, “Don’t get lost on the way”, is accompanied by a body copy which changes according to the subject: “Don’t drink and drive,” “Don’t use your phone while driving,” and “Respect speed limits”. The campaign plan envisages placement in the local press and outdoors, using static and dynamic billboards across the whole of the Province of Bologna.

RTR has also produced a second campaign which, following the layout of the first, carries the image of a wrecked car and communicates the fundamental role of speed cameras as essential devices for saving lives. One of the Province’s outstanding initiatives, in fact, is its decision to set up a series of speed checkpoints on the roads most at risk in the province. Permanent billboards about this specific topic are to be installed in areas affected by speed cameras.

Devising and planning the campaigns is the first step of a wider project, which RTR has drawn up for the Province of Bologna and which will consist of a series of concrete actions designed to raise citizens’ awareness of and inform them about the issue of road safety.

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