The Wings for Life World Run, held for the first time this year on May 4th, is an entirely new type of event never before seen, compassing 34 locations in which everyone runs at the very same time.
Moreover, the format of the Wings for Life World Run is a unique experience not only in running but also in all sporting events. Half an hour after the start signal sounds and the first runners leave the start line, an official Catcher Car will set off at each course, pursuing the runners. When the Catcher Car passes a runner, their race is over.
RTR Sports provided Red Bull – one of the partners of the event on behalf of their Wings for Life Foundation – with digital assistance and support in their sponsor and partner research.
In order to do that, the Bologna-based agency designed and managed an email marking campaign towards more than 7,500 high-profile recipients. Everything has been managed from top to bottom, ending in a highly detailed report delivered to the client with opening rates, geographic profiling, link activity and engagement measure.
By joining the World Run organization, RTR has taken pride in contributing to the main mission at the very heart of the Wings for Life Foundation: finding a cure for debilitating spinal cord injury.