In Sport Sponsorship

Not merely riders, but extraordinary athletes! 

The level of fitness required to tame highly performing vehicles such as today’s Grand Prix motorbikes is unbelievable. Can you imagine the stresses transmitted to the riders by their 300 HP motorbikes when they open the throttle – to go from 0 to 100 km/h in just a little more than one second – or they slow down? Riders, none excluded, have something more than mere talent: athletic training. This is what they need to perform at a high level for about forty minutes during the races, and this is even more true after the introduction of the sprint race on Saturday that requires riders to put in double effort on race weekends.

Fitness businesses and a strong communication strategy

This is all quite normal for sector operators: something that almost goes without saying. The audience too are so used to being spectators of breath-taking duels that they tend to forget all that riders have to do to be ready for competitions.

What about fitness businesses? So far, they have not fully taken advantage of this communication strategy, although the video clips I am attaching below will show you that this is not new in the sector and that riders would be perfect testiomanials for the fitness industry.

Some of these clips are not very recent, someone may argue, and this is true to the extent that in the past few years the physical effort required from riders has even increased, as races are often won at the last bend, which makes the physical endurance of the riders as important as the competitiveness of their bikes. What is the point in having a perfect motorbike if the rider has poor physical endurance and looses precious tenths per lap as a consequence of fatigue? A specific training program is essential for riders as much as a good mechanic crew.

This is why riders take comprehensive and diversified training sessions combining endurance, rapidity, explosiveness and strength. Very frequently, bicycles are used for training (as bikes have no impact on the joints, unlike jogging), and so is functional equipment such as kettlebells, resistance bands and TRX. Another interesting piece of training equipment selected by riders – and, often, by Formula 1 champions too – is the Batak machine. This is a special machine with LED cluster targets that is used specifically for sports people training to improve reaction and peripheral vision.

No rider can, in fact, get to such high levels by chance: they need targeted training, a planned diet, time to rest and recover energy, and a lot of perseverance, in addition to the right equipment.

What is the real secret, then?

Total devotion, combined with something else. Riders are heavy users of fitness machinery, of any type whatsoever. Whether it is a rig you can find in specialized CrossFit gyms, gymnastic rings, rowing machines and watt bikes, each piece of machinery is functional to achieving the desired shape. And, of course, high-performance levels are required nine months a year. To make the scenario even more complex, riders are also exposed to the different jet lags in the different racing locations they travel to. This leaves no doubt that athletic training, focus, and sacrifice with the support of the best athletic trainers are indispensable, although they are not enough. Supplement companies could take advantage of such a demanding scenario as well, and riders could be great testimonial for men’s health.

Why should you miss the chance to let the world know that your best training equipment is helping these champions achieve their highest performances? If your company specializes in the manufacture of fitness machinery and equipmentbicycles and sports apparel, or in the production of food supplements and food in general, and you wish to explore the world of the two wheels, contact us and we will be glad to answer any and all curiosity you may have on this topic. Our contact email is:

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Riccardo Tafà
Riccardo Tafà
Managing Director for RTR Sports, Riccardo graduated in law at the University of Bologna. He began his career in London in PR, then started working in two and four-wheelers. A brief move to Monaco followed before returning to Italy. There he founded RTR, first a consulting firm and then a sports marketing company which, eventually, he moved back to London.
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